Adam Berkowitz

This is the bio area.

  • Use the WordPress Customizer to Create Color Schemes

    Introduction The WordPress customizer is a great tool that lets you easily make changes to the theme of a site. One way it's helpful is when we want to use a theme that has multiple color schemes. For instance the UConn Health Clinical theme is a good example. Each clinical site has a different accent […]

  • Sending Mock Emails with Docker

    Introduction I've been working on a new version of the plugin that allows people to subscribe to UConn Today. One of the goals was to see how the plugin handles sending emails to a listserv which has the subscriber list. I wanted something that was going to be easy to incorporate into the project which […]

  • Creating a Private Docker Registry - APIs/docker networks (Part 3)

    Introduction One of the great things about using docker-compose is that the containers are automatically networked together even if they're not exposed to the outside world. So this post is going to go over how that works in the registry app and what that means to the browser Let's go!!!!!!!!!   Docker networking First things […]

  • Weird adventures in javascript

    This is the introduction.... The page needed to display: the page title a sorted list of links to articles Pretty simple right? Well..... There were a few catches... The links needed to be in alphabetical order (A - Z) They also needed to be in numeric order (meaning 10 comes after 9 and not after […]

  • Creating a Private Docker Registry – Local Development (Part 2)

    Introduction This post is going to describe how I created a frontend for the private docker registry made in part 1. Docker setup uconn/express image Because I wanted to use docker for this project, the first thing I needed to do was create another container that would run the express server. I tried to keep […]

  • Another Test

    this is another test. but now things are different.

  • Private Docker Registry Single Image API (Part 4)

    Introduction In the last post of this series, I showed you how to set up an endpoint to get a list of all the docker images in your private registry. Now, I'll get into how to get details about those images. Basically I wanted to get (to start) two things for each image a list […]

  • Creating a Private Docker Registry - Local Development (Part 1)

    This is the first (real) part of a series describing how we set up a private docker registry and front end. It will go over: docker installation a (brief) explanation of what a docker image and container is project structure using docker-compose username/password authorization for the registry testing that the registry works A private registry […]

  • Creating a Private Docker Registry (Part 0)

    <![CDATA[Here at UComm, we’ve used Docker for local development for about 3 years. We love what it’s done for: our daily workflow project management/maintenance and onboarding new people Other posts, will go over how we use Docker for local development, but this series will be a guide/tutorial on setting up a private Docker registry. If you […]

  • Syntax Highlighter Test

    this is some kind of intro text. it's great. here is some inline code